We have a new guilty pleasure, the Penguin Idris. The welsh origin of this name, is fiery and passionate, just like this penguin. The Penguin Idris gives out 7 kW of chilli hot heat, like the Penguin 7 but with more to love; extra width with the side convector panels and extra height to balance it up and store your logs underneath…just that bit bigger and that bit hotter.
This stove has the same firebox and performance data as all of the stoves in the Penguin 7 series,
Convector stoves. This stove is one of our 5 convector stoves. Although often chosen for the appearance and large top plate, which offers a wider surface for placing a kettle on, the convector panels cause heat to move in a different way, making these stove particularly effective for heating large, well insulated rooms.
As hot air created by heat from the stove's bodywork expands, it becomes lighter than the air outside the stove and rises up inside the convector panels, exiting from the top of the panels. This is replaced by cooler heavier air drawn in at the bottom of the panels, which is in turn heated. The warmer, lighter air will fill the room while the colder, heavier air being drawn in at the bottom of the stove will create a continuous heat cycle, which gently moves air around the room.
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The Penguin Idris
The Penguin Idris has a 7kW output with a large glass window. It uses the updated Chilli Penguin clean burn and air wash system, giving a lovely clear view of the fire. This is a wood only stove. Like all our domestic stoves the Penguin Idris is very controllable. This stove has passed all of its Ecodesign testing and is awaiting certification, (which is an administrative process). They are available to order and will be dispatched a soon as they receive the certification.
Air control
The Penguin Idris only has one air control knob, which makes it really easy to use. The single air knob provides boost air when fully open, and finer control when further in. A tool is provided to use when the stove is hot